Welcome to Bible Reward!

Test your Bible knowledge.

Fill out your name, select which testament, and click GO to start!

See how well you know the Bible by answering ten randomly selected questions. Our database has hundreds of possible questions and answers and is updated monthly.

Play as many times as you want and invite your friends to see who gets the highest score. Score a perfect 10 and get a free eBook copy of Ever Increasing Faith by Smith Wigglesworth, and other books.

Last Week’s Top 5 Players
# Name Point Testament Played Duration
1 elvis 10 Both 2 minutes 56 seconds
2 MRosana 10 Old Testament 0 minutes 40 seconds
3 Lynda 10 Both 0 minutes 38 seconds
4 Lynda 10 Both 1 minutes 57 seconds
5 KRN_Bryanxx 10 Both 0 minutes 23 seconds

Last updated: 2024-08-28 - v1.7